But you can't blanket-apply the rule that $ in a text block means: Evaluate expression strA, then HTML escape that, then put it in, for two reasons: Who says that the string you're interpolating things into is HTML and not, say, JSON or TOML or CSV or whatnot, and who says that the interpolation I desire requires escaping in the first place? What if I want to dynamically inject or not, and I don't want this to turn into ?Įither we update the langspec to cater to all these cases and now we're inventing an entire templating system and shoving that into a lang spec which seems like a job far better suited to a dedicated library, or we don't, and the feature seems quite useful but is in fact niche: Either you rarely use it, or you have security and other bugs all over your code base - any lang feature that invites abuse is, and I'd hope one would agree with me on this - not a great feature.The point is, what you really want is 'templating', and whilst templating sounds real simple (just evaluate this expression then shove the result into the string right where I typed the expression, please!) - it just isn't. It looks like you came up with a valid use case, but that's not actually true: If what you wrote would compile and work, then you just wrote a webapp with a rather serious XSS security leak in it! For starters, there is the backwards compatibility issue any such attempt to introduce interpolation requires some marker so that any existing text blocks aren't all of a sudden going to change in what it means depending on which version of javac to invoke.īut more to the point, you yourself, asking the question, can't even come up with a valid example, which is perhaps indicative that this feature is less useful than it sounds.

Note that I somewhat doubt it'll ever happen.

'they' (team Project Amber, who are implementing JEP 368) are not providing any way to interpolate the string in the text block.