Jojo mod mc bedrock
Jojo mod mc bedrock

jojo mod mc bedrock

Using a pouch on a rat will put that rat inside the pouch. Rat pouches can be used to quickly gather rats back. This order is cancelled by using the staff on the air. Haste effects boost their mining speed by 20% per level of haste.


Rats can break blocks with a hardness of 1 plus 1 per level of strength that is applied to them.

  • Collection Staff: Can be used on blocks to make rats break the corresponding material they come across.
  • Love Staff: Rats breed all the animals around them (including themselves) as long as they have the corresponding food.
  • If given Bone Meal, they will also fertilize crops!
  • Harvest Staff: Rats harvest any mature crop and replant any cultivatable item on farmland tiles.
  • Each staff use orders the rats to execute the corresponding order for 15 seconds, items acquired by the rats will be brought to you and required items can be dropped on the floor for them.

    jojo mod mc bedrock

    These staves can be obtained by taming the rats possessing them if they aren’t already and are useful to make the rats perform specific tasks. When appearing naturally in an empty village or being bred, rats have a 5% chance to spawn with staves in their possession. Elytrats also feature custom elytra textures for special rat types and the golden rat. Normal rats will also equip elytrats upon picking them up from the floor.Įlytrats can and will fly to attack enemies and to follow you on your airborne adventures! Just as any other rat they can be picked up with rat pouches. Equip/unequip a rat by simply shift-using the rat with the elytrat/bare fist. Breeding 2 Rat Kids will also spawn a new, unnamed Rat Kid instead of a normal pet rat.Įlytrats are a special rat variant, acquired by equipping rats with the elytrat item, crafted as shown below. Rat Kids are an especially special rat type as they can be dyed just like sheep in order to variate their skins, resulting in 16 different versions. Remy (Ratatouille, needs to be a Russian Blue Type) Renaming rats with the following names will give them a new, special appearance both with and without elytrat. Their offsprings will then be 1 of the 7 pet rat types: Pet rats can be obtained by breeding wild rats. Naturally spawning rats will always be either a Wild Rat or a Golden Rat. On December 28th, wild adult rats will have a 20% chance to be of a fully random type (including special types) as well as a 20% chance on spawning with a cake in their paws to celebrate the birthday of the mod itself! Rats will also smug dance during this special week and wear randomized party hats. Additionally, there will be a chance of 10% for wild rats to spawn as the doctor4t type. On the 19th of July, RAT’s (doctor4t) birthday, as well as during the following week rats will smug dance, wear party hats and have a 20% chance to spawn with a cake if they are spawned as adults. On April 4th, World Rat Day, all rats will smug dance and the chance of golden rats spawning increases from 1 in 150 to 1 in 30! Your browser does not support the video tag. If Requiem is installed, a /ratify command will be available which converts the targeted player into a random Rat type, acting similarly to possessing one, meaning the player has the respective properties such as being able to fit through even the tiniest gaps or not receiving damage from less than 15 block falls.

    jojo mod mc bedrock

    No matter their state, if rats come across any drinkable potion, they will consume it and get its effects, good or bad, and convert saturation to regeneration. If they are hurt and the item is edible, they will consume it and restore an amount of health equivalent to the amount of saturation the food gives as well as be applied any effects the food provides. Rats will pick up any item stack on the floor they come across, and bring it back to their owner if they are tamed. If they see a cat while following you around they will be distracted chasing it away. Once tamed you will be able to sit them down and or let them follow you. Rats take fall damage starting from 15 blocks, can breathe five times longer than the player, ignore damage from cacti and berry bushes and can be tamed with any food, the better the food though, the higher the chance of success. They have 8 health points (4 hearts) and deal 1 point of damage but ignore invulnerability ticks, making a mischief (a group of rats) stronger the bigger it becomes. Rats will behave in a very similar manner to wolves, attacking what the player targets or what harms the player or themselves. This does not work with the Abandoned/Zombie Village structure, only with abandoned, once normal Villages Once a natural village no longer has tenants, rats will start spawning in small groups of up to 5 rats if a player is near that empty village and the village still has beds. Rats can be found in previously inhabited villages that are now abandoned.

    Jojo mod mc bedrock